
31 Aug 2017

In highschool I never really gave much thought about my future. Actually it’s probably more accurate to say that I actively avoided thoughts about the future. I always thought that maybe one day I’d find that one thing that would just interest me so much that I would want to pursue it as a career. I soon graduated from Kalani high school to go to KCC with plans of going to UH Manoa. Once in college I figured that eventually I would find that spark. Well as you can probably guess that never really happened. My first semester was OK, but not great. Then the following semester was even worse. From there it was a downward spiral. Eventually I stopped going to classes all together. I think the change happened when I turned 23. I realized probably the most obvious thing in the world. That I’m getting older and that there might be a point where it would be too late to actually achieve any happiness in life. And here we are five turbulent years later after graduating high school, finally at UH Manoa in the ICS program. I worry about my future constantly now. Everyday I question what I will do after college, if the person that I am can survive in the real world, and whether the path I’ve chosen will actually bear fruit. Sometime I look at my peers and see how far they are ahead of me and it really starts to discourage me. The only reason I stick with it is because I’ve learned that giving up is also pointless. Time will continue to move on and if I stagnate then I’ll never really achieve anything.